Malta’s Pharmacare Premium launches new generic cancer drug

16 March 2022

Malta’s Pharmacare Premium launches new generic cancer drug

Malta-based pharmaceutical firm Pharmacare Premium Ltd is launching generic Sorafenib, a product used for the treatment of kidney and liver cancers, certain types of leukaemia and advanced thyroid cancer.

Sorafenib was developed at the company’s Hal Far facility in partnership with Greece’s Genepharm and will launch as soon as the patent for the original treatment, called Nexavar, expires in the target countries. More than 20 partners will now begin marketing and selling the product in at least 30 countries from Thailand to Mexico and from Canada to South Africa.

Hani Sarraf, Business Development Director of Pharmacare Premium Ltd, said: “The launch of Sorafenib, our generic version of Nexavar, is a very significant moment for Pharmacare Premium which highlights the quality of our research, development, and manufacturing capabilities. It is also a contribution to the global battle against several types of cancer, making treatments considerably cheaper and more accessible for patients across the globe.”

More information on Pharmacare Premium is available at

Photocaption: Malta-based pharmaceutical firm Pharmacare Premium Ltd is launching Sorafeni, new generic cancer drug


About Pharmacare Premium Ltd.

Pharmacare Premium Ltd. is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company located in Luqa, Malta. Established in 2010, with a considerable investment of founding energy, expertise, and resources, Pharmacare Premium boasts a state-of-the art facility, infrastructure, and high-end equipment, dedicated for high potency “contained production” to supply a range of therapeutic products for world markets. Pharmacare Premium’s EU-GMP-approved modern facility is equipped with “leading technology” machinery and apparatus, which together with an expert team of industry professionals, ensure optimum and quality level of performance in delivery. Pharmacare Premium offers unique services covering a strategic base for the development of generics and for ‘Day 1’ launch into the EU and beyond.

16 ta’ Marzu 2022

Pharmacare Premium ibbażata f’Malta tniedi mediċina ġenerika ġdida kontra l-kanċer

Il-kumpanija farmaċewtika bbażata f’Malta, Pharmacare Premium Ltd, qed tniedi mediċina ġenerika bl-isem Sorafenib, u li huwa prodott użat għat-trattament ta’ kanċer tal-kliewi u tal-fwied, ċertu tipi ta’ lewkimja u kanċer tat-thyroid f’stat avvanzat.

Sorafenib ġie żviluppat fil-faċilita’ tal-kumpanija li tinsab f’Ħal Far, bi sħubija ma’ Genepharm mill-Greċja u se jkun mniedi hekk kif il-privattiva għat-trattament oriġinali, bl-isem Nexavar, jiskadi f’numru ta’ pajjiżi. Iktar minn 20 sieħeb ser ikunu qed jirreklamaw u jbiegħu l-prodott f’minn tal-inqas 30 pajjiż, li jvarjaw mit-Tajlandja għall-Messiku u mill-Kanada għall-Afrika t’Isfel.

Hani Sarraf, Direttur għall-Iżvilupp tan-Negozju ta’ Pharmacare Premium Ltd, qal: “It-tnedija ta’ Sorafenib, il-verżjoni ġenerika tagħna ta’ Nexavar, huwa mument sinifikanti għal Pharmacare Premium li tenfasizza l-kwalita’ tar-riċerka, l-iżvilupp u l-kapaċitajiet ta’ manifattura tagħna. Huwa wkoll ta’ kontribut fil-battalja globali kontra diversi tipi ta’ kanċer, fejn qed nagħmlu trattamenti li huma konsiderevolment orħos u iktar aċċessibbli għal pazjenti madwar id-dinja.”

Għal aktar tagħrif dwar Pharmacare Premium żur is-sit

Ritratt: Il-kumpanija farmaċewtika bbażata f’Malta, Pharmacare Premium Ltd, qed tniedi mediċina ġenerika ġdida kontra l-kanċer bl-isem Sorafenib


About Pharmacare Premium Ltd.

Pharmacare Premium Ltd. is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company located in Luqa, Malta. Established in 2010, with a considerable investment of founding energy, expertise, and resources, Pharmacare Premium boasts a state-of-the art facility, infrastructure, and high-end equipment, dedicated for high potency “contained production” to supply a range of therapeutic products for world markets. Pharmacare Premium’s EU-GMP-approved modern facility is equipped with “leading technology” machinery and apparatus, which together with an expert team of industry professionals, ensure optimum and quality level of performance in delivery. Pharmacare Premium offers unique services covering a strategic base for the development of generics and for ‘Day 1’ launch into the EU and beyond.





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